Pavlycheva Elena

Academic degree
candidate of sociological sciences (speciality - VAC 5.9.8 Теоретическая, прикладная и сравнительно-сопоставительная лингвистика) from 2006 until now
Science rang
docent, from 2008 until now
Academic rank
Veteran of Labor from 2008 until now ,
Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation from 2015 until now ,
Honorary worker in the field of education of children and youth from 2023 until now
  1. State University of Education , Department of English Philology , Professor , Romano-Germanic languages , 1995 until now Education level: Specialty Specialty: 45.04.02 Лингвистика
  2. State University of Education , Department of English Philology , Professor , Romano-Germanic languages , Education level: Specialty Specialty: 45.04.02 Лингвистика
I was reviewed
Pushkino, Moscow Region, Moscow, Russian Federation
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