Haritonova Irina

Academic degree
doctor of philosophical sciences (speciality - VAC 5.7.6 Философия науки и техники) from 2004 until now ,
candidate of philological sciences from 1994 until now
Science rang
professor, from 2023 until now
Academic rank
Honorary Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation from 2023 to 2023
  1. employee Moscow pedagogical state university , Department of Romance Languages ​​named after. V.G. Gaka , Head of the Department of Romance Languages ​​named after. V.G. Gaka , 1985 until now Education level: Doctoral studies Specialty: 45.06.01 Языкознание и литературоведение
Scientific interests
Filosofiya nauki, filosofiya yazyka, lingvistika, lingvodidaktika
I was reviewed
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
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