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Abstract (English):
The profession “metalworking machine operator” is one of the most common professions in various industries: mechanical engineering, metallurgy, metal construction, etc. Priority production risk factors for the health of “machine operator on metalworking” have been identified, including: physical dynamic load, stereotyped working movements, static load while holding the load, forced position of the body (body tilts over 30º); production noise exceeding the maximum permissible level and the content of triiron dioxide at the lower boundary of the maximum permissible concentration. The results of the assessment of the working conditions of metalworking machine operators made it possible to attribute their work to the third class of the second degree (3.2). It is necessary to study the possible professional condition of changes in the eyes and upper extremities of metalworker machine operators using modern approaches to the causation of illnesses of workers based on the principles of consensus and evidence-based medicine.

health risk factors, metalworking machine operator, triiron dioxide, specific and nonspecific eye diseases
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