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Abstract (English):
The rate of spotted fever in the Astrakhan region during the study period (2000-2018) is uneven and characterized by a tendency to its increase. Lethal cases for the first time began to be registered since 2013 and the mortality rate was 1,4 ± 0,4 %. The epidemic rise in the incidence of Astrakhan spotted fever - from June to September (94,5 %). In the distribution of risk areas using intensive morbidity indicators (per 100 thousand population) and landscape conditions, the “risk areas” of Astrakhan spotted fever contamination were identified. When allocating risk areas using intensive incidence indicators (per 100 thousand population) and landscape conditions, “risk areas” of infection were identified: Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, delta of Volga. The epidemic process involves all social and age groups of the population. The nosoareal submarine is expanding - in 1993, the incidence was noted in the city of Astrakhan and 3 districts of the region (1,236.7 thousand hectares), by 2013 all 11 districts of the region were involved in the epidemic process (5,292.4 thousand ha). The data presented indicate that cases of disease of Astrakhan spotted fever during the analyzed period were observed annually in all administrative areas of the region and indicate a different degree of intensity of the epidemic process of Astrakhan spotted fever and confirm the association of natural foci of Astrakhan spotted fever to certain territories and expansion of the nozoareal.

Astrakhan spotted fever, natural focal disease, ixodic ticks, Astrakhan region
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