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Abstract (English):
The study of plant materials containing the polysaccharide inulin as a reserve nutrient is attracting more and more attention. Due to the presence of fructose in its structure, inulin is widely used in the food industry as a component of dietary nutrition, a sugar substitute in products for patients with diabetes mellitus, is a part of baby cereals and formula, improves the quality of bread and dairy products. In addition, it normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, the search for plant objects - sources of inulin - seems promising. The article provides information on the content of the sum of polysaccharides (fructosans) in terms of inulin in the late and aerial parts of the British

inulin, fructosans, polysaccharides, prebiotic, spectrophotometry, British elecampane (Inula britannica L.)
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