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Abstract (English):
The current year has made certain adjustments to the private medicine market due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of which the priority areas of development of previous years may undergo changes. Various support measures were implemented both from the state and from large business and the banking sector, but how this will affect the market as a whole - time will tell. Despite low incomes and constant price increases, the Russian medical market, having gone through a stage of stagnation in 2014-2015, still continues to develop. The introduction of quarantine has made some adjustments to the situation, but no one is immune from diseases. People postponed non-urgent procedures for a while and began to visit private clinics more often. ______________________________ © Гукова Е.О., Косинова Н.Н., 2021 Medical care is an essential service. Even with extremely low purchasing power, a person will not refuse to see a doctor in case of injury, pain, physical pathology, or expectation of a child. Any family will prefer to save on education, entertainment, recreation, but not on the most expensive - health. There fore, medicine will always be in demand, and only its development trends change over time.

COVID-19, healthcare, trends, commercial medicine, digital technologies
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