Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
In the modern world, the proportion of elderly people is steadily growing. As you know, in elderly people, diseases of various systems and organs are much more common. However, the greatest growth in recent years has been seen in diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, pathology of the thyroid gland. This work is devoted to the study of dental status in elderly patients with hypothyroidism. The study involved 60 people of both sexes, who were surveyed and instrumental examination of the oral cavity ______________________________ © Дьяченко С.В., Фирсова И.В., Яковлев А.Т., Гаврикова Л.М., 2021 with the definition of various index indicators. As a result, the absolute need for dental treatment of these patients was revealed. The state of oral hygiene is characterized as unsatisfactory. The protective properties of tooth enamel are significantly reduced due to hyposalivation, as well as the lack of balance of macro- and microelements. It has been proven that the pathology of the thyroid gland, in particular its hypofunction, has a significant negative effect on the state of the oral cavity of an elderly person. Therefore, the management of such patients must be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist or general practitioner. Determining the correct treatment strategy for elderly patients with hypothyroidism requires further research.
elderly patients, hypothyroidism, dental status, dental health, lesions of dental hard tissues
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