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Abstract (English):
In current time of dentistry, dental implantation is the optimal method for solving the problem of missing teeth. This article discusses the positive aspects of using dental implantation to improve the quality of patient's life in the treatment of partial and complete anodontia. The advantages, as well as disadvantages and complications of various methods of treatment are shown. The main factors that directly affect the restoration of dentition are identified. The optimal choice of materials, methods and terms of dental implantation, as well as orthopedic dentistry phase and surgical dentistry phase of treatment are determined. The importance of the participation of each method and stage in the process of dental treatment of the patient is shown. Based by studied information, it can be argued that removable prosthetics based on dental implants is a highly-effective, and in some cases the only method that gives a positive result.

dental implantation, implants, partial prosthesis, missing teeth, orthopedic dentistry, surgical dentistry
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