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Abstract (English):
The number of cosmetic services has increased in our country in recent years. The aim of the study is to assess the extent of strain and the extent of intensity of cosmetologists(doctors) production process, their psychoemotional status that is formed in the process of professional activity. Two observation groups were formed: at the age of 28 to 39 years and at the age of 40-53 years. Traditional occupational hygiene methods were used to assess working conditions. The mobility of nervous processes and the functional state of the locomotor apparatus, levels of neuropsychic stress and anxiety were estimated. Results: The extent of strain and the extent of intensity of cosmetologists production process are qualified as permissible (type 2). The development of fatigue in doctors of both age groups was revealed by the end of the working day. However, the degree of psychoemotional and sensory stress among physicians in the older age group is more pronounced and this indicates a decrease in the ability to concentrate and distribute attention. More than one third of doctors experience an increased and high level of anxiety, which is significantly more pronounced among doctors of the older group. It is necessary to comprehensively study the work of cosmetologists for conclusion about the degree of harm and danger and for argumentation of priority health risk factors.

cosmetologists(doctors), the extent of strain and the extent of intensity, psycho-emotional status
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