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Abstract (English):
Public-private partnership is a form of activity of the state and the private sector, with the aim of developing the most significant infrastructure facilities and providing high-quality services to economic entities and society. Taking into account the intensive development of various forms of PPP in all regions of the world, its application in various sectors of the economy, this form of interaction can also be interpreted as a characteristic feature of the modern mixed economy. The article provides basic information about public-private entrepreneurship in healthcare, where a necessary element of research in this area is SWOT analysis, it is a mandatory preliminary stage in the preparation of any level of strategic plans. As an example, the SWOT analysis of the investment project within the framework of the PPP of LLC «Volgograd Ambulance» is given. The use of SWOT analysis in PPP will allow you to choose the appropriate type of financing in such a way that high-tech treatment methods will benefit both the state and business in view of greater profits.

public-private partnerships, PPP models, SWOT analysis, strategic planning, healthcare projects
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