Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Over the past decade, the state budgetary healthcare institution “Aleksand-ro-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital” (GBUZ JSC AMOKB) has conducted numerous telemedicine services. The main task of which was to consult a doctor online, which made it possible to identify the main positive aspects of the introduction of telemedicine in Astrakhan healthcare. Remote monitoring of patients suffering from chronic pathologies, which is actively implemented by the State Medical Institution of JSC AMOKB, allows improving the overall quality of life of patients, reducing and rationally distributing the burden on medical staff. As part of telemedicine, patients receive in an accessible form the necessary information about their condition, the specifics of examination and treatment, and improved monitoring of compliance with doctor's prescriptions. Timely correction of prescribed treatment, increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy, increases the degree of awareness and medical literacy of patients, which reduces mortality among patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and other common pathologies, reducing the number of hospitalizations, calls for emergency medical care.
telemedicine, telemedicine technologies, telemedicine consultations, telemedicine points, centers, information technologies, pandemic coronavirus infection
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