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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of studying the factors affecting the quality of life of student youth. The study involved 448 students of 1, 3, 5 years of study of the Volgograd State Agrarian University. To study the self-assessment of the quality of life, a questionnaire was used, developed by the Research Center for Preventive Medicine and including 47 questions related to various parameters of the quality of life.The assessment was carried out on a scale from 0 to 100: where 0 points is a very poor condition, 100 points is a very good condition. The assessment of the quality of life included both objective and subjective indicators. Objective ones include the following: satisfaction with living conditions, the nature of the work performed, financial situation, the possibility of improving the educational level, professional growth, social support, as well as satisfaction with the state of health, state of mind and life in general. When studying the health of students, subjective assessments were used. It was revealed that for students of an agrarian university, the most important factors in the quality of life are material wealth, living conditions, family, food, study, position in society. Comparative characteristics of the indicators of the quality of life of students of different courses showed that 3rd year students have a higher grade.

quality of life, factors affecting the quality of life, student youth, students of the agrarian university
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